Greek students playing " azote"

Spanish Traditional game: AZOTE

1. OBJECTIVE: Have a fun time¡¡

2. MATERIAL: A rolled newspaper.

3. PROCESS: The group sits on a circle. Put the newspaper on a chair in the center of the circle. The person that starts the game (A) takes the newspaper and touches someone sitting in the circle (B) on the legs. Person A quickly returns the newspaper to the center chair and runs around the circle until they reach the same seat where person B was sitting. The tagged person (B) tries to get the newspaper from the chair and hit (azote) person A on the legs before he reaches his/her spot in the circle. This spot serves as the door for that round (person A y person B can only access the circle from that spot).

If person B hits the person A before they reach the spot, person A stays in the center and the game begins again. If not, person B starts in the center. The newspaper must always stay rolled. If it falls apart it needs to be rolled again.

4. EVALUATION: was it fun? Did everyone participate?